Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I will no longer be defined by you

I have come to the realization that I let him define who I was. I let him define who I thought I should be. And I let him belittle who I was to begin with by changing to try to be someone that I am obviously not...I am not going to be defined by anyone's standards but my own anymore. I am what I am, and I like who I am. If who I am is not who you want, then I will have to deal with that, but changing myself to be who you want me to be is not healthy nor does it make me happy. My life is so much more awesome without your filthy hands at play trying to change it. If you don't fit into the big picture, then I'm sure there was a reason for us, even if it was simply to humble me and make me less of an asshole...bending like a contortionist for you definitely gave me some perspective concerning how I used to treat people. And I'm never going to treat anyone that way again, nor will I continue being treated that way. Some things simply are not okay and that is one of them. I will not let you mold me into who you want anymore. I miss wearing chuck taylor sneakers and I miss playing guitar and I miss who I used to be. I love my new athletic side too, but I lost the most fulfilling parts of my life trying to be who you wanted me to be. I'm not doing it anymore.

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